With over 250 backers in the first day we blew past most monetary stretch goals in a few hours!
It was a thrilling ride and a real baptism of fire for me as my first kickstarter. I was overjoyed at the level of interest and then a bit of panic set in as I realised we were running out of cool extras for the backers.
It seems that myself and Michael, my partner in this, of Trilemma.com, underestimated the number of people that would want to add the Trilemma Adventures Compendium to their pledge, we had anticipated a good mix of PDF, Soft-cover and Hard-cover versions of the bestiary PDF and that few would also want the compendium.
Boy were we mistaken, and it has left us trying to work out what stretch goals we could put out to keep the campaign alive. I'm sure we will think of something cool. In the meantime if you want to follow along, join the kickstarter HERE